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The Leader in Digital Integrity

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National Defense Starts with Digital Integrity

Guardtime Federal offers immutable proof of integrity for supply chains for organizations of all sizes.

KSI® Technology

Guard the Entire Supply Chain - Our KSI-enabled tools use secure, distributed technology to create a digital thread, allowing for immutable digital provenance at all stages of production along the supply chain.


Our Products

Guardtime Federal designs solutions for organizations of all sizes and technical expertise. Whether you have IT staff at your disposal or not, we provide the same immutable digital integrity.


A KSI® Docket provides digital integrity, attribution, and provenance making it an optimal solution for high assurance aerospace, defense, and intelligence applications.

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Black Lantern®

Black Lantern Security Appliance is an integrated hardware and software platform, purpose built to mitigate both remote and physical attacks against your infrastructure and applications.

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Software Supply Chain

KSI® Dockets provide the integrity, attribution, and provenance required from a supplier's delivery through deployment in the software development supply chain.

Physical Supply Chain

KSI® Dockets are evidence of authenticity in a digital thread proving a part’s provenance throughout its design, manufacture, delivery and support.

Information Supply Chain

KSI® Dockets guarantee the authenticity of the multi-domain information required for weapon systems, commanders, and operators to prevail in today’s fight and in the future.

What Experts say About the Importance of data Integrity

"It’s not just about big data, it’s about good data."

David Spirk
Department of Defense Chief Data Officer

“It’s all about the data… Every sensor on the battlefield, every sensor in space, every sensor on the ground has to be able to take the data and feed it into a common environment.”

Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

“For a long time, hacks were going after data for profit – and they still are. But what happens when the paradigm shifts, and instead of stealing data, the attackers start manipulating data so we can no longer trust our information to make decisions?”

Admiral Mike Rogers
Director of the NSA


Our Mission

Guardtime Federal was established in 2014 to support the cybersecurity-related requirements of the Department of Defense and other U.S. government departments as well as the intelligence community and industries that support these government organizations.

Guardtime Federal has the Technology to Ensure Data Integrity Throughout your Organization

Solutions for Aerospace, Defense, Intelligence, and High-Assurance Infrastructures.